Oh Mama! I’m having back pain

Almost everyone suffers from back pain
at some point in his or her life. Unless if you have a major injury or
disc problem, your doctor may not be able to do much for you other than
prescribe some pain medication and advise you to rest. Otherwise, simple
back pain treatments or some home remedies can get you back in the
swing of things in just a few days.
What You Need To Know
Understanding the muscle balance.
Our muscles work in groups and they work
in balance with each other. When one group is overworked, another group
is underworked. As a result, one set of muscles becomes tight.
Simultaneously, its opposing muscles become weak. Therefore, when there
is imbalance like this, we feel tension, and then pain, which lead to
possible injuries.

The muscle relationships in the upper
body are often misunderstood. Most of the time, we neglect the
overworked muscles. We focus only on the muscles that feel sore or
tight. We relieve immediate pain, but we ignore the other muscle groups
causing the imbalance. The muscles in the upper back are especially
vulnerable to weakness. If you want to effectively treat tension and
pain in the upper backs muscles, you must understand the strong-weak
patterns that develop throughout the upper body. When we strengthen weak
muscles in back, and ease tight muscles in front, then we can reverse
muscle imbalance and relieve pain.
Home Remedy Treatments for Back Pain
The following home remedies are appropriate for anyone who is suffering from back pain due to tight, aching muscles or a strain.
Bed Rest – Not the best solution
Conventional wisdom once held that
several days or even weeks in bed were the best cure for a sore back.
However, a growing number of doctors today encourage patients to get up
and around as soon as possible and to avoid bed rest entirely if
possible. That’s because mounting research shows that lying down for an
extended period not only fails to speed up relief of low back pain but
may make it even worse. If you feel you must rest your aching back, the
best position is lying flat on your back with two pillows underneath
your knees. Never lie face down, since this position forces you to twist
your head to breathe and may cause neck pain. Make an effort to get up
and move around, slowly and gently, as soon as possible. Any more than
three days of bed rest could weaken the muscles and make them more prone
to strain.
Ice, Ice, baby
Applying an ice pack to the painful area
within 24 hours of an injury can help keep inflammation to a minimum
and ease discomfort by decreasing the ability of nerves to send pain
signals to the brain. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag, then apply the
bag on top of a thin towel that has been placed on the skin. Leave the
ice pack on for 20 minutes, take it off for 30 minutes, and then replace
it for another 20 minutes.
Take a hot bath.
If more than 24 hours have passed since
the injury occurred, ice will not help reduce pain or inflammation.
After that first day, heat can be used to help blood flow to the muscle.
This will help rebuilding take place and provide some soothing relief.
Heat may help increase the elasticity of the muscles somewhat, so try
soaking in a tub of hot water for 20 minutes or more.
CAUTION: Pregnant women, however, should
not sit in a hot bath or hot tub for too long, since raising the body
temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for long periods may cause birth
defects or miscarriage. If you are pregnant, contact your doctor for
advice before trying a hot soak.

Invest in a new mattress.
A soft, sagging mattress may contribute
to the development of back problems or worsen an existing problem. If a
new mattress is not in your budget, however, a three-quarter-inch-thick
piece of plywood placed between the mattress and box spring may help
somewhat. It’s not clear whether water beds offer any relief for back
Get some sleep.
Rest- This is the very best thing you
can do for soreness. Try not to use the muscle in a strenuous fashion
for 24-48 hours after exercise, especially if the soreness is due to a
weight lifting routine. Getting sufficient rest at night is important
when your back muscles are strained. It’s best to lie on your side, with
the knees flexed and a pillow between them. If you lie on your back,
place a pillow under your knees.
Get a massage.
If you’re lucky enough to have an
accommodating spouse, friend, or roommate, ask him or her to give you a
rubdown. As you lie face down on a bed or sofa, ask your masseuse to
knead your back muscles. Local massage therapists may also make house
calls if you don’t feel able to visit one of them.
Much back pain is the result of muscles
made tight by emotional tension. Learn and practice a relaxation
technique, such as meditation, or try a deep-breathing exercise, such as
closing your eyes, breathing slowly and deeply, and counting backward
from 100.
Take two aspirin.
Taking an over-the-counter analgesic
such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may help relieve your pain.
However, be aware that not all medications (not even non-prescription
ones) are for everyone. Pregnant women, for example, should not take any
medication without first checking with their doctor. And people with
ulcers should stay away from analgesics containing aspirin. Don’t take
any medicine for a bad back without first learning about its potential
side effects and talking to your doctor.
Extra Tips
Stretching – This will
also help to get the lactic acid out of your muscles. Waiting a few
hours after a strenuous workout before stretching is not the best.
Stretch after activity that caused the soreness to prevent becoming
Proper diet – If your
muscles are sore from intense activities such as weightlifting, your
muscles are rebuilding themselves and need lots of protein. Aim to take
in 1 gram of protein per day for every pound of lean body mass you have.
For example, a 160lb. man at 20% body
fat would want to take in approximately 130 grams of protein per day.
This will speed up recovery times considerably, as well as prevent
muscle loss from poor nutrition. An excellent source of protein would be
chocolate milk, which can revitalize your body faster than most energy
drinks after a long workout. It also provides sugar for your body which
normal milk does not. No – milk contains plenty of sugar. Lactose is
sugar, and your body readily uses it,unless you are lactose intolerant.
Sour cherry juice – Sour cherry juice can also help
your muscles feel better. Sour cherry juice is filled with antioxidants
to help your working muscles during or after physical exercise. Sour
cherry juice can be found at most health food stores.Baking Soda – Adding baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) to your bathwater is a home remedy that is very effective. Add 2-4 heaped tablespoons of soda to a full bathtub and stir a little to dissolve. Enjoy your bath. You should feel some relief immediately after you finish your bath.

If you do end up getting stiff from
working out or some other physical activity where you have forgotten to
stretch afterwards, massaging the stiff area will relieve you from the
pain for a while. Then stretch and find another place of the muscle it
hurts and massage there until the pain goes away.
Did You Know?
A massage, performed by a loved one, helps relieve back pain effectively.
Treating back pain is not all hot baths
and massages. The best is to look at solutions and ways that can help
you prevent back pain before it starts.