Tiny,White/black rasied Spots ..eehhhhhhhh...Yeah i am talking about a very common skin problem..WHITE/BLACKHEADS...Very common in Young People these days.when dead skin cells and sebum block a hair follicle near the surface of the skin.Hence, blackheads are formed.
1.Mix oatmeal or almond powder with rose water,and make a soft paste.apply it on the face.Rub it on skin with fingertips especially on the affected areas.Let it remain as it is for 15 mins and then rinse it off with cold water.
5.Make a smooth paste of fuller's earth (multani mitti),and rose water and apply it on the face.OR YOU CAN ALSO TRY 2 PART OF GLYCRINE SOAP,1 PART OF FLULLER EARTH AND..4 PART OF ALMOND POWDER.. Mix in it boiled water and make a paste. Apply the paste on the blackheads.This would not only control black heads but would also keep the skin smooth and silky.
6.Make a paste of fresh fenugreek (methi) leaves and apply it over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water.Repeat this technique every night before going to bed for a blackhead free skin.
Let it remain there for about 15 mins and then rinse it with lukewarm water.This is one of the most effective blackhead removal techniques.
Now start massaging the affected spots,Use circular motions to make the massage even more efficient.
Keep on with this ritual for 5-6 minutes,pour hot water in a medium bowl,use a towel to cover your head and steam your complexion for 4-5 minutes.Finally, use a washcloth to remove the liquid and oil excess together with the dirt from your face.
a pore is fully blocked, the oil gland can get infected resulting into a
pimple.Blackhead causes the oily skin pores to be enlarged and the
texture becomes coarse and rough.and a pimple can result. Therefore, the control of blackheads is one way of preventing acne.
plenty of water and fresh fruits and fruit juices.Keep the skin clean
by washing it with plain water. Wash the face with a medicated soap
using warm water.The treatment should be taken as soon as possible and For This we spent lots of money at salons,parlours..Why to spent money when you can Get rid of blackheads at homenaturally.natural treatments are more preferable than artificial ways.
Today i am Going to share few home remedy for blackheads and whiteheads....Before
trying these home remedies please check that you dont have any
allergies or sensitivity to some ingredients like glycerin, lemons,
orange, garlic, papaya, eggs, etc....

Blackhead and Whitehead Home Remedy:-
1.Mix oatmeal or almond powder with rose water,and make a soft paste.apply it on the face.Rub it on skin with fingertips especially on the affected areas.Let it remain as it is for 15 mins and then rinse it off with cold water.
2.Make a solution of one and a half cups of hot water and half a
tablespoon of boric powder.Soak A Napkin in this hot solution and press
on to the skin, repeat it twice.extrude blackheads carefully with a
blackhead extracter and sterilized cottonwool.
3.Honey is quite helpful in getting rid of blackheads.All you need to
do is warm some honey and apply it on blackhead prone areas for 10 to
15 mins.Rinse it with warm water and what you get is a blackhead free
4.Take 2-3 cups of boiled water and add two tablespoons of sodium
bicarbonate into it.Next steam a hand towel in this water and place the
steamed towel on your face. Repeat the procedure 5 to 6 times.Lastly,
rub the blackhead prone area with a paste made of tablespoon each of
curd and rice flour.Wash it off with lukewarm water and experience the
glowing skin minus blackheads..
5.Make a smooth paste of fuller's earth (multani mitti),and rose water and apply it on the face.OR YOU CAN ALSO TRY 2 PART OF GLYCRINE SOAP,1 PART OF FLULLER EARTH AND..4 PART OF ALMOND POWDER.. Mix in it boiled water and make a paste. Apply the paste on the blackheads.This would not only control black heads but would also keep the skin smooth and silky.
6.Make a paste of fresh fenugreek (methi) leaves and apply it over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water.Repeat this technique every night before going to bed for a blackhead free skin.
7.Make a smooth paste of ground radish seeds and water and apply it on the blackheads prone area.Let it remain there for about 15 mins and then rinse it with lukewarm water.This is one of the most effective blackhead removal techniques.
8. Mix 1 tsp's groundnut oil with 1 tsp fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and acne.
9.Castor oil can be used as a secret ingredient to get rid of
blackheads.all you have do is apply a few drops of the oil on your
fingers.Now start massaging the affected spots,Use circular motions to make the massage even more efficient.
Keep on with this ritual for 5-6 minutes,pour hot water in a medium bowl,use a towel to cover your head and steam your complexion for 4-5 minutes.Finally, use a washcloth to remove the liquid and oil excess together with the dirt from your face.
10.Take 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of dead sea
salt.Mix them well in 2 tablespoons of water. Now use this paste as
scrub on the effected area.Make sure you scrub the skin only after
steaming the face.Or Combine equal parts baking soda and water in your
hand and rub gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse with warm
11.Boil 2-3 teaspoons basil leaves in a cup of water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.
12.You can buy some green tea from the market(it is a very good
antioxidant).After drinking the tea open the tea bag and rub the
contents on the blackheads as a face scrub.Do it twice a week. This will
help remove blackheads..
13. Make a paste of neem leaves with turmeric powder. Apply on
affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

These are the most efficient and effective remedies to have a naturally glowing and spotless complexion... ;)