Nowadays, many types of creams and cosmetic products
are available in the market for removing blackheads. Blackheads can
affect the overall personality and appearance of an individual. Hence,
it is advisable to take appropriate steps to deal with the problem of blackheads. There are various home remedies to deal with the problem of blackheads.
An individual having blackheads can try one or more of these home remedies to get rid of blackheads. These home remedies are easy to use and prevent any kind of side effect that may result from the use of cosmetic products. Further, components required to prepare these home remedies are easily available and are generally found in our kitchen or garden.
Further, individual should avoid using soap while washing the face with warm water. Another alternative is to keep a cloth soaked in warm water on the area affected by blackheads. This cloth is required to be kept on the affected area for atleast 10 – 15 minutes in order to obtain best results.

An individual can also use steam (from hot water) for removing blackheads. This remedy can be used twice in a week to obtain better results. It is generally advisable to cover the head with a towel/cloth while taking the steam.

Application of rose water can also help in improving the quality of skin. Rose water can also be mixed with oatmeal powder. This mix can be applied (on the affected area) to deal with the problem of blackheads.

An individual should remove this juice in the morning to remove blackheads. Another alternative is to mix lemon juice with olive oil and apply this mix on a daily basis.

An individual can prepare a paste of fenugreek leaves and use it for removing blackheads. This paste can easily be prepared by crushing fenugreek leaves and adding water to this powder. Regular application of this paste can give quick and highly effective results.
Some of the home remedies mentioned above may give immediate results to an individual. It is important to use these home remedies on a regular basis. Further, consumption of a healthy diet can also help an individual in dealing with the problem of blackheads.
An individual having blackheads can try one or more of these home remedies to get rid of blackheads. These home remedies are easy to use and prevent any kind of side effect that may result from the use of cosmetic products. Further, components required to prepare these home remedies are easily available and are generally found in our kitchen or garden.
Home Remedies for Blackheads
Clean your Face
One of the simplest remedies to deal with the problem of blackheads is to keep the face clean. An individual should wash his/her face after coming from outside in order to remove dirt. It is advisable to wash the face with warm water. An individual can clean his/her face multiple times in a day.Further, individual should avoid using soap while washing the face with warm water. Another alternative is to keep a cloth soaked in warm water on the area affected by blackheads. This cloth is required to be kept on the affected area for atleast 10 – 15 minutes in order to obtain best results.
Apply Aloe Vera Juice
An individual can also apply aloe vera juice on the affected part to treat blackheads. Aloe vera juice not only helps in dealing with blackheads but also helps in improving the quality of skin (because of its soothing effect). It is important to massage the gel/juice properly on the affected area to obtain desired results. Even though aloe vera juice can be easily purchased from the market, an individual can also try to extract aloe vera gel from the leaves of aloe vera plant.Use Toothpaste
An individual can apply toothpaste on the affected area to treat blackheads. It is important to scrub the affected part with the toothbrush on a daily basis to obtain best results. Another approach is to apply toothpaste and wash it after sometime with water.Use Salt Water
Another home remedy to deal with blackheads is to use salt water. It is important to wash the affected area with salt water on a daily basis. This is a very simple home remedy and is required to be used only once in a day. Continuous use of this remedy can give highly effective results.Use Steam

An individual can also use steam (from hot water) for removing blackheads. This remedy can be used twice in a week to obtain better results. It is generally advisable to cover the head with a towel/cloth while taking the steam.
Use Egg White
Another simple and effective home remedy is to apply egg white along with honey (1 tablespoon) on the affected area. It is advisable to keep this mix applied for atleast 20 – 25 minutes.Use Rose Water
An individual can also use rose water on a daily basis to deal with the problem of blackheads. Rose water helps in removing dirt and excess oil from the skin.
Application of rose water can also help in improving the quality of skin. Rose water can also be mixed with oatmeal powder. This mix can be applied (on the affected area) to deal with the problem of blackheads.
Use Tea Tree Oil
Regular application of tea tree oil on the affected area can also give great results. It is advisable to use diluted form of tea tree oil on the skin. An individual can use almond or olive oil to dilute tea tree oil by up to 50%. Tea tree oil is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for removing blackheads.Apply Lemon Juice
Applying lemon juice (on a regular basis) can also remove blackheads. In order to obtain best results, it is advisable to apply lemon juice on the affected area before going to bed at night.
An individual should remove this juice in the morning to remove blackheads. Another alternative is to mix lemon juice with olive oil and apply this mix on a daily basis.
Use Honey
Another home remedy to treat blackheads is use of honey directly or as a component in other home remedies for removing blackheads. Besides direct application, an individual can also apply a mix of honey with lemon juice and baking soda. Another option is to use honey with almonds (grinded). This mix can be applied on the affected area and can be used as an alternative to various facials available in the market.Use Yogurt
An individual can also apply yogurt to remove blackheads. It is advisable to clean the face with water before applying yogurt on the affected area. Further, it is important to keep the yogurt applied for atleast 10 minutes in order to obtain best results. Another alternative is to mix yogurt (2 tablespoons) and honey (1 tablespoon) and apply this mix to remove blackheads.Use Fenugreek Paste

An individual can prepare a paste of fenugreek leaves and use it for removing blackheads. This paste can easily be prepared by crushing fenugreek leaves and adding water to this powder. Regular application of this paste can give quick and highly effective results.
Use Baking Soda
Baking soda can also be used to deal with the problem of blackheads. A mix of baking soda and water can be directly applied on the affected area. It is important to keep this mix applied for 25 – 30 minutes in order to obtain desired results.Use Cinnamon
Another home remedy for removing blackheads is to use a mix of cinnamon powder and lemon juice. It is essential to keep this mix applied for atleast 15 -20 minutes to obtain best results.Some of the home remedies mentioned above may give immediate results to an individual. It is important to use these home remedies on a regular basis. Further, consumption of a healthy diet can also help an individual in dealing with the problem of blackheads.