everyone has tasted that extremely refreshing mint in mouth freshener
gums. Actually mint is a plant having a magical flavor that leaves a
long lasting smoothening effect when it comes in contact with air.The
green leaves in your Mojito or chilled Ice Tea cools you from inside and
outside! Mint leaves are refreshing and also great for skin problems.
Add it in your daily beauty regimen to have healthy skin.
is a very Natural that a woman looks very conscious about her beauty
and the beauty of the face comes on the top for which women apply
different things to retain the freshness of the face. Mint is very
useful not for oily skin but also removing the black spot of face. It
can be used as a tonic for skin and its juice and raita with cocumber
give an extra fare complextio. You can use mint as cleanser- Crush mint
leaves and apply on your face. Keep it on for few minutes and wash it
off with water. This will help to reduce acne and blackheads.It is also
use as Toner- We know mint is especially good for those with oily skin
as it controls oil. Combine it with apple cider vinegar and water to
make a toner out of it. Apply it before putting makeup on your face.
Mint Face Mask: